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A member registered Jan 08, 2021

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I've got a mac with Catalina, and I'd be willing to test for you!

(1 edit)

is a mac release planned?

how did you get past the naming of the main character? it will not let me progress past that point.

"nwjs crashed unexpectedly" 

Well, the game would open as intended, but now it will only crash.

I found it best to navigate to the package contents, find the MacOS folder, right click the file icon and find "Open new terminal," then type chmod +x nwjs. This changed nwjs into an executable, and the game opens as intended.

3.3.0, how do I give the folder the proper permissions?


(1 edit)

When I try to run the game, it gives me a pop up that says "The application Game can't be opened." Any possible fixes?

edit: Mac OS v.10.15

I am having an issue with getting the game to run. I am using a mac on Catalina 10.15. When I attempt to run the game, it says "The application 'Tales Of Androgyny Mac' can't be opened."  I've tried running the .jar, but it always crashes as soon as I try. Any help would be much appreciated!